Falko Löffler on Twitter (Twitter)
“@Devcom_conf Ich möchte daran erinnern, dass ich vor einigen Jahren schon auf den @GermanDevDays den Vortag "Die artgerechte Haltung eines Game Writers" gehalten habe: https://t.co/nJGIbgzS5x”

Oh… das Intro von @falkoloeffler liest sich ja fast wie von Pratchett. Gleich mal nach ReadLater gedingst 👍

A Medium Dilemma by Jan-Lukas ElseJan-Lukas Else (jlelse.blog)
I wrote something similar about Medium back in July to what Ben Werdmüller writes now. Medium isn't doing something bad, it's just that they changed directions over the last years. From being a platform, where anyone can write anything and anyone can read anything for free, it's now something like ...
Experimenting with MainWP by an author (infullflow.net)
At one point in time I decided to combine all my sites into one. Then I decided to stop posting to Facebook, which resulted in posting more on my blog, both private and businessy stuff. Then a friend told me mixing too much private stuff on a business site felt wrong. Then another friend told me he ...

karen clark on Twitter (Twitter)
“@vmcombs @thomaspluck @KateHarding I came here to say this.”

And you’re both right. It’s usually distributed from some intern system. Wrote some years ago. They only complain when a page ranks bad due to loading speed and want it magically fixed. “It’s the ads” they add themselves but nobody wants to hear this. I gave up. Blocking works.