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Linux, Programming and Gaming

Stuff and Blabla


“Just” 25 years of ? Feels like they have been around forever and I had this talk with my own kids recently but only just today learned about the project itself: and now I want to cry even more 😭

Stumbled over this old picture today and noticed that I never uploaded this particular gallery at all. Guédelon looks nothing like this any more and we really have to pay another visit.

Artistic Historical Reconstruction

So much awesome on this blog about artistic historical reconstructions:


Ein Blick über den Messenger Tellerrand. Inklusive RetroShare. Tolles Writeup:

Fun introductions to Indieweb

This is exactly what the is missing. Fun introductions to pure awesome. The irony is that I learned about this excellent example on Diaspora while introducing someone else to Indieweb principles who came up in return with this video after a short search on the net. Mayhap a little bit short of Webmentions but it is a huge topic after all 😉 Ty @zachleat 👍 Courtesy to

Selbst ohne Tesla rechnet sich das längst – alleine dass es nicht mehr auf Augenhöhe von Kindern stinkt ist ein Gewinn 😉 Außerdem macht das Fahren mit einem wieder Spaß. Wenn es denn schon sein muss. Man gewöhnt sich da viel zu schnell an den Luxus 😅
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Mobility and Electric Vehicles

Mediaeval and History