ICYMI (I certainly did...) the new Unity Hub can be installed from both deb and rpm repositories! No more janky AppImage sitting in your Downloads folder! https://docs.unity3d.com/hub/manual/InstallHub.html#install-hub-linux
ICYMI (I certainly did...) the new Unity Hub can be installed from both deb and rpm repositories! No more janky AppImage sitting in your Downloads folder! https://docs.unity3d.com/hub/manual/InstallHub.html#install-hub-linux
Thanks for the writeup. First time I really read about this incident at all (it’s sports and far far away so I didn’t care). And somehow I doubt I’d have read it anywhere else with your insights from our local media.
Did I already express my love for #RSS today?
Also it can’t get much more nerdy to catch up on recent events of fictional verses, like #StarCitizen, on the go while sipping some coffee.
Added by one of the maintainers of Barrier, @p12tic: Please support this bounty to get Wayland support in Barrier A bounty for Wayland support has been posted to BountySource here. EDIT: $2550.42 h...
Woah, they’re playing with my feelings here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfdJbKEcBbA
This says there is a #Firefly reboot in the making. I’ll be in my bunk.
Oh wow. Why didn’t my #HEMA bubble tell me about https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/01/get-a-fresh-up-close-and-personal-look-at-the-steam-deck-with-hellish-quart/ before?
That’s freakin awesome – for a game!
European Commission’s Open Source Programme Office starts bug bounties https://ec.europa.eu/info/news/european-commissions-open-source-programme-office-starts-bug-bounties-2022-jan-19_en
Including #LibreOffice and #Mastodon – NICE ♥️
A specification for adding human and machine readable meaning to commit messages